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FACE-IT at the 2024 European Polar Science Week

Conference from 03 to 06 September 2024

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Kelp forest community structure and demography in Kongsfjorden (Svalbard) across 25 years of Arctic warming

The Arctic archipelago of Svalbard is a hotspot of global warming and many fjords…

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Desirable futures for Arctic biodiversity: FACE-IT contributed insights from coastal environmental economics

In the frame of the World Biodiversity Forum 2024 in Davos, Switzerland, the FACE-IT…

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Underwater light environment in Arctic fjords

Most inhabitants of the Arctic live near the coastline, which includes fjord systems…

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FACE-IT joins workshop of the Svalbard Social Science Initiative

In the frame of the Arctic Congress in Bodø (29 May - 03 June 2024), the Svalbard…

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FACE-IT at the Arctic Congress Bodø 2024

Conference from 29 May to 03 June 2024

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FACE-IT invited to expert panel on EU-US Arctic Cooperation

On 06 May, FACE-IT project coordinator Kai Bischof (Marine Botany, University of…

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Productivity of mixed kelp communities in an Arctic fjord exhibit tolerance to a future climate

Arctic fjords are considered to be one of the ecosystems changing most rapidly in…

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Arctic puzzle: Pioneering a northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) habitat model in Disko Bay, West Greenland

Recent advancements in spatial modelling leverage remote sensing data and…

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FACE-IT workshop on management options to mitigate climate change effects in Lakselv, Finnmark

On 08 April 2024, FACE-IT and the collaborating project "Future Arctic Lives"…

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EU Engagement in the Arctic: Challenges to Achieving Ambitions in an Area outside Its Jurisdiction

The European Union (EU) has underscored its will to heighten its engagement in the…

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The sugar kelp Saccharina latissima II: Recent advances in farming and applications

The sugar kelp Saccharina latissima has received intense scientific attention over…

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Ice type matters: impacts of landfast and drift ice on body condition in a high Arctic seabird community

Sea ice, a central component of polar ecosystems, is undergoing profound changes due…

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Environmental drivers of Arctic communities based on metabarcoding of marine sediment eDNA

Our ability to assess biodiversity at relevant spatial and temporal scales for…

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FACE-IT co-organized workshops in Porsanger, Finnmark

The FACE-IT colleagues Camilla Risvoll and Solveig Øye Bjørdal from the Nordland…

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FACE-IT at Arctic Frontiers 2024

Conference from 29 January to 01 February 2024

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The sugar kelp Saccharina latissima I: recent advances in a changing climate

The sugar kelp Saccharina latissima is a Laminariales species widely distributed in…

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Arctic infrastructure: Considerations in the green transition

The global green transition has put a new focus on the Arctic region and its…

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FACE-IT at the Greenland Science Week 2023

Conference from 06 to 09 November 2023

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First biennial Greenland Marine Research Seminar co-organized by FACE-IT

The first biennial Greenland Marine Research Seminar hosted by the Greenland…

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Sustainable Arctic cruise tourism workshop co-organized by FACE-IT

"How is cruise tourism developing in Greenland and how to secure the balancing of…

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FACE-IT colleagues contributing to the Nansen Legacy Symposium

Conference from 06 to 09 November 2023

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Invitation: Workshop on sustainable Arctic cruise tourism development in Nuuk, Greenland

“Cruise trouble”: How to sustainably develop Arctic cruise tourism? Join our seminar…

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Anaïs Lebrun: First FACE-IT PhD thesis defended

On 23 October 2023, Anaïs Lebrun sucessfully defended her PhD thesis, entitled…

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FACE-IT at the Svalbard Science Conference 2023

Conference from 31 October to 01 November 2023

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Impact of winter freshwater from tidewater glaciers on fjords in Svalbard and Greenland; A review

This review paper is the first to collect and synthesise the available knowledge,…

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Population development and ecophysiology of the sea urchins Strongylocentrotus sp. in Porsangerfjorden, Finnmark, Norway

In August 2023, three researchers of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) and the…

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Invitation to Greenland Marine Research Seminar

The Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GINR), partner in the FACE-IT project,…

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Wälder unter Wasser – Großalgen und ihre Gemeinschaften

[in German] Public lectures in the House of Science Bremen

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A dataset for investigating socio-ecological changes in Arctic fjords

The collection of in situ data is generally a costly process, with the Arctic being…

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Future kelp forest communities on Greenland

Nora Diehl and Sarina Niedzwiedz from the University of Bremen conducted a field…

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High-frequency, year-round time series of the carbonate chemistry in a high-Arctic fjord (Svalbard)

The Arctic Ocean is subject to high rates of ocean warming and acidification, with…

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Glacier retreat alters downstream fjord ecosystem structure and function in Greenland

The melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet is accelerating, with glaciers shifting from…

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Coping with rapid and cascading changes in Svalbard: the case of nature-based tourism in Svalbard

Tourism has been booming in Svalbard and has almost returned to pre-pandemic levels.…

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FACE-IT Scientists Meet for Workshop on Ecosystem Function Changes in Rønbjerg, Denmark

From 14 to 17 May 2023, FACE-IT scientists involved in the research area Ecosystem…

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Ecological impacts of climate change on Arctic marine megafauna

Global warming affects the Arctic more than any other region. Mass media constantly…

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Status of Arctic kelp forests around Svalbard

The Arctic and Svalbard in particular is warming at a rate far beyond the global…

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Influence of terrestrial run-off on kelp elemental composition and associated microbial community

End of August 2022, Sarina Niedzwiedz from the University of Bremen conducted a…

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Lill Rastad Bjørst from Denmark’s Aalborg University to Participate in Fulbright Arctic Week Activities in Washington D.C.

Dr. Lill Rastad Bjørst from Aalborg University is one of nineteen scholars who will…

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FACE-IT Workshop on the future Porsangerfjord, Nordkapp

FACE-IT, the project Future Arctic Lives and the Porsanger Municipality invited to a…

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Effects of Arctic commercial shipping on environments and communities: context, governance, priorities

Increasing shipping traffic in the Arctic Ocean creates an emerging need to…

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Demographic responses of Arctic seabirds to spring sea-ice variations

The Arctic experiences a rapid retreat of sea-ice, particularly in spring and…

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Master thesis project at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources GINR, Nuuk

Phytoplankton primary production is the base of the marine food web. Consequently,…

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Successful Policy Briefing “Arctic Biodiversity, climate and food security” in Brussels

CHARTER, ECOTIP and FACE-IT, three EU-funded projects that are researching on…

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Two Master theses on plankton available at UNIS, Svalbard

The University Centre in Svalbard UNIS is running the northernmost high-frequent…

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Managing Svalbard Tourism: Inconsistencies and Conflicts of Interest

The Svalbard Archipelago has experienced a rapid increase in tourism-related…

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Policy Briefing “Arctic Biodiversity, climate and food security”

FACE-IT, ECOTIP and CHARTER, the three Horizon 2020 projects working on Arctic…

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Drivers of Change in Arctic Fjord Socio-ecological Systems: Examples from the European Arctic

Fjord systems are transition zones between land and sea, resulting in complex and…

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To Live Up to Our Name “Greenland”: Politics of Comparison in Greenland’s Green Transition

In 2021, the Government of Greenland made an active, discursive shift in the…

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Glacial meltwater determines the balance between autotrophic and heterotrophic processes in a Greenland fjord

Global warming accelerates melting of glaciers and increases the supply of meltwater…

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Impact of climate change on Arctic macroalgal communities

The Arctic region faces a warming rate that is more than twice the global average.…

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FACE-IT Scenario Workshop in Longyearbyen, Svalbard

On 25 October 2022, FACE-IT in collaboration with the BalancingAct project (funded…

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Light and freshwater discharge drive the biogeochemistry and microbial ecology in a sub-Arctic fjord over the Polar night

The polar night has recently received increased attention as a surprisingly active…

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Coastal freshening drives acidification state in Greenland fjords

Greenland’s fjords and coastal waters are highly productive and sustain important…

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Global seaweed productivity

The magnitude and distribution of net primary production (NPP) in the coastal ocean…

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Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2023

Conference from 17 to 24 February 2023.

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Seasonal mesozooplankton patterns and timing of life history events in high-arctic fjord environments

Seasonal patterns in mesozooplankton composition, vertical distribution, and timing…

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Adaptation and acclimation processes of Arctic seaweeds and macrozoobenthos of Porsangerfjorden

In summer 2022, a group of scientists of the University of Bremen and the Alfred…

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Biodiversity and biomass of the intertidal and shallow subtidal seaweeds of Porsangerfjorden

In summer 2022, a team of 4 scientists specialized on seaweeds (from Germany, Norway…

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2022 Arctic Circle Greenland Forum

Conference from 27 to 29 August 2022

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Consequences of Atlantification on a Zooplanktivorous Arctic Seabird

Global warming, combined with an increasing influence of Atlantic Waters in the…

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FACE-IT Scenario Workshop in Nuuk, Greenland

On 26 August 2022, FACE-IT will be hosting a scenario workshop in Nuuk, Greenland,…

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Kelp Forest Distribution in the Nordic Region

Kelp forests are productive coastal ecosystems that provide a range of ecosystem…

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New Research Topic in “Frontiers in Marine Science”: Tourism and Outdoor Recreation in a Melting World

Halvor Dannevig from the Western Norway Research Institute is co-editing a new…

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Advancements of sustainable development goals in co-production for climate change adaptation research

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a new discursive regime…

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Highly Productive Ice Algal Mats in Arctic Melt Ponds: Primary Production and Carbon Turnover

Arctic summer sea ice extent is decreasing and thinning, forming melt ponds that…

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Major Expansion of Marine Forests in a Warmer Arctic

Accelerating warming and associated loss of sea ice are expected to promote the…

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Cetacean spatial trends from 2005 to 2019 in Svalbard, Norway

This study uses cetacean sighting data, acquired via a citizen science programme, to…

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Cryosphere reduction and related shifts in Arctic biodiversity

The Ny-Ålesund research station has a long tradition in international and…

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Summer Heatwave Impacts on the European Kelp Saccharina latissima Across Its Latitudinal Distribution Gradient

Kelps are important foundation species in coastal ecosystems currently experiencing…

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Towards a Unifying Pan-Arctic Perspective of the Contemporary and Future Arctic Ocean

Since 2002 the pan-arctic integration symposia has attempted to figure out how the…

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Upwelling Irradiance below Sea Ice—PAR Intensities and Spectral Distributions

Snow cover on sea ice is the most important factor controlling light availability…

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Editorial: Towards a Unifying Pan-Arctic Perspective of the Contemporary and Future Arctic Ocean

An international symposium addressing pan-Arctic perspectives of the marine…

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Conference from 21 to 24 September 2021

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Bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) vocalizations across seasons and habitat types in Svalbard, Norway

Male bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) use vocal displays to attract females and…

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Freshening increases the susceptibility to heat stress in intertidal mussels (Mytilus edulis) from the Arctic

Temperatures in the Arctic are increasing at a faster pace than at lower latitudes…

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Distribution and habitat characteristics of pinnipeds and polar bears in the Svalbard Archipelago, 2005–2018

This study presents comprehensive mapping of the current distribution of pinnipeds…

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Systemer i et klimaforandret Arktis

Systemer i et klimaforandret Arktis: Den svære dialog mellem fakta- og…

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Imprint of Climate Change on Pan-Arctic Marine Vegetation

The Arctic climate is changing rapidly. The warming and resultant longer open water…

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FACE-IT Kick-off Meeting

Four days full of information and getting to know new colleagues! The FACE-IT…

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„The new Arctic“ – public lectures to start FACE-IT

Right at the start of the FACE-IT project, the wide public was invited to attend a…

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Official Start of FACE-IT

With November 1, 2020, we started the EU project FACE-IT (“The Future of Arctic…

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