Stakeholders and rightholders will be involved in the co-producing of knowledge within the FACE-IT project. Here, you will find information on the respective workshops and involvements.

Desirable futures for Arctic biodiversity: FACE-IT contributed insights from coastal environmental economics

In the frame of the World Biodiversity Forum 2024 in Davos, Switzerland, the FACE-IT managing team Kai Bischof and Simon Jungblut (University of Bremen) as well as Julia Olsen (Nord University) engaged in a workshop in the desirable futures for…

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FACE-IT joins workshop of the Svalbard Social Science Initiative

In the frame of the Arctic Congress in Bodø (29 May - 03 June 2024), the Svalbard Social Science Initiative SSSI organized the second of a series of workshops entitled “Building transdisciplinary bridges for sustainable Svalbard and Arctic…

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FACE-IT workshop on management options to mitigate climate change effects in Lakselv, Finnmark

On 08 April 2024, FACE-IT and the collaborating project "Future Arctic Lives" invited for a workshop on Lakselv, Porsanger, Finmark. This workshop explored the lokal management options for the mitigation of climate and environmental changes. 15…

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FACE-IT co-organized workshops in Porsanger, Finnmark

The FACE-IT colleagues Camilla Risvoll and Solveig Øye Bjørdal from the Nordland Research Institute co-organized a set of workshops in the Posanger Municipality, Finnmark, Norway.

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First biennial Greenland Marine Research Seminar co-organized by FACE-IT

The first biennial Greenland Marine Research Seminar hosted by the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GINR) brought together the Davis Strait Observing System as well as the FACE-IT and ECOTIP projects with stakeholders, managers, and…

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Sustainable Arctic cruise tourism workshop co-organized by FACE-IT

"How is cruise tourism developing in Greenland and how to secure the balancing of interests and concerns of businesses and communities in a fragile environment?" This was the topic of a seminar organized by the FACE-IT project together with the…

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Invitation: Workshop on sustainable Arctic cruise tourism development in Nuuk, Greenland

“Cruise trouble”: How to sustainably develop Arctic cruise tourism? Join our seminar to learn about how different Arctic destinations cope with cruise tourism and how cruise tourism impacts communities and the environment. Share your views on…

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Invitation to Greenland Marine Research Seminar

The Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GINR), partner in the FACE-IT project, invites to a Greenland Marine Research Seminar in the frame of the Greenland Science Week Nuuk (6-10 November 2023). The seminar will take place on 7 November 2023,…

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FACE-IT Workshop on the future Porsangerfjord, Nordkapp

FACE-IT, the project Future Arctic Lives and the Porsanger Municipality invited to a workshop about the future Porsangerfjorden from the stake- and rightholders point of view! On 03 and 04 May, fishermen, young people and others from the…

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FACE-IT Scenario Workshop in Longyearbyen, Svalbard

On 25 October 2022, FACE-IT in collaboration with the BalancingAct project (funded by the Research Council of Norway), will be hosting a scenario workshop in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Stakeholders of the tourism industry in Svalbard will explore the…

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FACE-IT Scenario Workshop in Nuuk, Greenland

On 26 August 2022, FACE-IT will be hosting a scenario workshop in Nuuk, Greenland, inviting stakeholders of the Nuup Kangerlua fjord to explore how climate change and other factors might affect the  fjord and its future value for fishing and…

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