FACE-IT attending workshop of the European Commission and the European Space Agency
22 - 24 November 2023
FACE-IT will be represented at the upcoming workshop of the EC-ESA Joint Earth System Science Initiative. This initiative was started by the European Commission and the European Space Agency in January 2020 and aims at joining forces to advance Earth System Science. As an EU-funded polar research project, we are happy to join this initiative. The project managing team Kai Bischof and Simon Jungblut (both (University of Bremen) will be present in Frascati, Italy, in the premises of ESA-ESRIN for a workshop. In the research presentation part of the workshop, Kai and Simon will present in total one invited talk and four research posters:
Invited talk:
Kai Bischof & Simon Jungblut (both University of Bremen)
“Ecological and societal implications of cryosphere reduction: Insights from the FACE-IT project”, presented by Kai Bischof
Research posters:
Kai Bischof (University of Bremen), Julien Lebel (Nordland Research Institute) and Simon Jungblut (University of Bremen)
“FACE-IT: Developing adaptive co-management of Arctic fjords in transition”, presented by Kai Bischof
Sarina Niedzwiedz and Kai Bischof (both University of Bremen)
“Glacial run-off opposes Arctic kelp expansion”, presented by Kai Bischof
Simon Jungblut (University of Bremen), Jessica Niklass (The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø), Markus Brand (Alfred Wegener Institute), Christian Buschbaum (Alfred Wegener Institute), Martin Paar (University of Rostock), Inka Bartsch (Alfred Wegener Institute), Markus Molis (The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø)
“Historical changes in biomass, total abundance, and species composition of seaweed associated fauna in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard”, presented by Simon Jungblut
Marie Koch (Alfred Wegener Institute), Simon Jungblut (University of Bremen), Reinhard Saborowski (Alfred Wegener Institute)
“Sea urchins as keystone species in the fjords under the impact of Arctic warming”, presented by Simon Jungblut
Photos: Simon Jungblut (University of Bremen)

People involved
Role in FACE-IT:
• Scientific Coordinator
• Member of the Executive Board
• Co-Leader "Policy Dialogue and Outreach"
• Co-Leader "Project Management"
• Leader "Ethical Requirements"
• Researcher "Biodiversity Changes"
• Researcher "Ecosystem Function Changes"
Marine Botany, University of Bremen, Germany
Center for Marine Environmental Sciences MARUM, University of Bremen, Germany
UBremen personal page
Kai’s FACE-IT Projects
Role in FACE-IT:
• Scientific Project Manager
• Member of the Executive Board
• Co-Leader "Policy Dialogue and Outreach"
• Co-Leader "Project Management"
• Researcher "Biodiversity Changes"
Marine Botany, University of Bremen, Germany
Association of Marine Sciences, Bremen
Society for Natural Sciences NWV, Bremen, Germany
UBremen personal page
Julien LEBEL
Role in FACE-IT:
• Researcher "Food Provision and Livelihood"
• Researcher "Policy Dialogue and Outreach"
Nordland Research Institute, Svolvær, Norway
Julien’s FACE-IT Projects I
Julien’s FACE-IT Projects II
Role in FACE-IT:
• PhD student "Ecosystem Function Changes"
Marine Botany, University of Bremen, Germany
Sarina’s FACE-IT Projects
Role in FACE-IT:
• Researcher "Biodiversity Changes"
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
AWI personal page
Inka’s FACE-IT Projects
Marie KOCH
Role in FACE-IT:
• PhD student "Biodiversity Changes"
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
University of Bremen, Germany
Marie’s FACE-IT Projects