FACE-IT Kick-off Meeting
[Published 27. November 2020]
Four days full of information and getting to know new colleagues! The FACE-IT kick-off meeting took place from 23 to 26 November 2020.
Day 1: Executive Board Meeting
First get-together of the FACE-IT kick-off meetings. The Executive Board and the International Scientific Advisory Board introduced themselves to each other.
The Executive Board of FACE-IT consists of six scientists:
- Kai Bischof (University of Bremen, Germany)
- Grete K. Hovelsrud (Nordland Research Institute, Bodø, Norway)
- Lill Rastad Björst (Aalborg University, Denmark)
- Geir Wing Gabrielsen (Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway)
- Jean-Pierre Gattuso (Sorbonne Université, Villefranche sur Mer, France)
- Pedro Duarte (Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway)
The whole project will get helpful advice by four widely recognized scientists which form the International Scientific Advisory Board:
- Karina von Schuckmann (Mercator Ocean International, Ramonville Saint-Agne, France)
- Carina Keskitalo (Umeå University, Sweden)
- Katrin Iken (University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States)
- Michel Gosselin (UQAR – Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada)

Day 2: Introductions and Plenaries
The second day of the FACE-IT kick-off meeting started with a short introduction to the project by Prof Kai Bischof and some welcome words by the Vice President Research of the Universität Bremen, Prof Jutta Günther.
Alberto Zocchi from the EU Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) provided us with extremely helpful information on the policy context and the implementation aspects of EU-funded projects like the FACE-IT project.
All EU-funded polar projects are organized and working together in the EU Polar Cluster, which was introduced to the FACE-IT project consortium by David Velazquez.
One important aspect of the FACE-IT will be the proper handling and storing of huge amounts of data. We will be supported by the data repository PANGAEA. Janine Felden provided an introduction to the platform and its broad spectrum of possibilities.
After these introductions, the single work packages of the FACE-IT project were presented by leading scientists of the work package. The project will be covering so many aspects of Arctic research, it took several hours to introduce all work packages to the whole group.
Day 3: Group Discussions and Colloquium
The third day of the kick-off meeting of the FACE-IT project consisted of discussions in changing group constellations in the morning and a public colloquium on “The new Arctic” in the afternoon.
Day 4: Plenum Discussions
To conclude the kick-off meeting of FACE-IT, the whole project consortium came together to discuss on the results and implications of the single events of the meeting. Furthermore, the International Scientific Advisory Board gave some recommendations and food for thought.
Overall, the members of the FACE-IT project are enthusiastic to get into action mode and look forward to working together.